Okeefe, Platt (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Adventure Journal 1
Species: Human
Relations: Smuggler
Platt Okeefe, nicknamed Oakie, was a famous Brentaalan smuggler, entrepreneur and freedom fighter. Raised in one of Brentaal's prominent trading houses, Okeefe abandoned her comfortable life at an early age to journey among the stars. She soon became a smuggler for the Klatooinian Trade Guild only to be later sold into slavery. Escaping with the help of Tru'eb Cholakk, a fellow slave, Okeefe continued her smuggling career. She was later pursued by the Imperial Security Bureau who temporarily captured her before Okeefe escaped them as well. In response to this attention, she sought a quiet planet to base her activities on. To this end, she investigated the planet Dagobah, only to encounter Boba Fett there.
With growing contacts with the Rebel Alliance, Okeefe began working with the mercenary Dirk Harkness, even rescuing him from Imperial custody on the planet Zelos II. After this, she frequently worked with his mercenary group, the Black Curs. Together they reconnoitered the Core Worlds for the New Republic. This attracted the attention of Imperial Advisor Bregius Golthan, who captured Okeefe on the planet Canyon. Rescued by the Black Curs, Okeefe got her revenge when they blew up Golthan's flagship over Wroona.
Okeefe was a legend among smugglers, writing a number of popular guides. She frequently helped out other smugglers, providing advice through Smuggler's Logs and other channels. Okeefe was even rumored to be responsible for the infamous Cynabar's InfoNet.


See also
Complete list
0779 : Unit : Platt Okeefe 0781 : Enhance : Smuggler's Handbook
SWTCG : Cards
SWTCG : Cards
0779 : Unit : Platt Okeefe
0781 : Enhance : Smuggler's Handbook

Last updated: 31.10.2021 20:21:54